"No, it isn't: it actually has an impedance of 73.1 + j42.5 ohms."
"To make it resonant, reduce its length by a little bit."
I decided to figure it out for myself.
Let us consider a center-fed dipole antenna of length $\ell$, where the radius of the conductor is $a$. Let us further assume that the resistivity of the antenna conductor is zero, and that it has an infinitesimal feed gap.
To express the dimensions in terms of the wavelength $\lambda$, we define:
$$ \chi = \frac{2\pi\ell}{\lambda} \qquad\qquad \xi = \frac{4\pi a}{\lambda} $$For the conditions $a \ll \lambda$, $a \ll \ell$ and $\frac{\lambda}{2}-\varepsilon \lt \ell \lt \frac{\lambda}{2}+\varepsilon$ (for small $\varepsilon$), the current distribution on the dipole is very close to sinusoidal. Using this assumption, the radiation resistance $R_{rad}$ and self-reactance $X_{self}$ of this antenna can be found to be as follows:
$$ R_{rad}\left(\chi\right) \approx \cfrac {\eta_0} {2\pi\;\sin^2\cfrac{\chi}{2}} \left[ \Cin\chi + \left( \Cin\chi- \frac{\Cin 2\chi}{2} \right)\cos\chi - \left( \Si\chi- \frac{\Si 2\chi}{2} \right)\sin\chi \right] $$ $$ \begin{align} X_{self}\left(\chi,\xi\right) &\approx \cfrac {\eta_0} {2\pi\;\sin^2\cfrac{\chi}{2}} \left[ \Si\chi + \left( \Si\chi- \frac{\Si 2\chi}{2} \right)\cos\chi + \left( \Cin\chi-\frac{\Cin 2\chi}{2} - \ln\chi + \ln\xi \right)\sin\chi \right] \\ &= \cfrac {\eta_0} {2\pi\;\sin^2\cfrac{\chi}{2}} \left[ \Si\chi + \left( \Si\chi-\frac{\Si 2\chi}{2} \right)\cos\chi - \left( \Ci\chi - \frac{\Ci 2\chi}{2} + \ln\sqrt {\chi} - \ln {\xi} \sqrt {\frac {e^\gamma}{2}} \right) \;\sin\chi \right] \\ \end{align} $$(The derivation for this can be found in section 22.3 in this book.)
For the half wave dipole, $\ell=\lambda/2$, so $\chi=\pi$. Hence, for all $\xi \gt 0$, we have:
$$ R_{rad} = \cfrac {\Cin 2\pi} {4\pi} \eta_0 \approx 73.1\;\Omega $$ $$ X_{self} = \cfrac {\Si 2\pi} {4\pi} \eta_0 \approx 42.5\;\Omega $$This tells us a couple of things:
- As $\sin\pi=0$, the impedance of a half-wave dipole is independent of its thickness.
- Since an antenna is resonant when it has zero reactance, the half-wave dipole is not resonant!
Okay, so a dipole is resonant when it is slightly less than $\lambda / 2$ in length. Can we figure out what that length is?
For all other values of $\ell$ close to $\cfrac{\lambda}{2}$, we can use the identity $\csc x + \cot x = \cot\cfrac{x}{2}$ to obtain:
$$ R_{rad}\left(\chi\right) \approx \left( \cot \cfrac {\chi} {2} \;\Cin\chi - \cot\chi\cfrac{\Cin 2\chi}{2} - \Si\chi + \cfrac{\Si 2\chi}{2} \right) \cfrac {\eta_0}{\pi} \cot \cfrac{\chi}{2} $$ $$ X_{self}\left(\chi,\xi\right) \approx \left( \cot \cfrac {\chi} {2} \;\Si\chi - \cot\chi\cfrac{\Si 2\chi}{2} - \Ci\chi + \cfrac{\Ci 2\chi}{2} - \ln\sqrt {\chi} + \ln {\xi} + \ln \sqrt {\frac {e^\gamma}{2}} \right) \cfrac {\eta_0}{\pi} \cot \cfrac{\chi}{2} $$The resonant lengths $\ell$ of a dipole for any given conductor radius $a$ correspond to the roots $\chi$ of the following equation for a given $\xi$: $$ X_{self}\left(\chi,\xi\right) = 0 $$
Since we know that $\chi=\pi$ is not a root, the equation can be re-written as:
$$ \cot \cfrac {\chi} {2} \;\Si\chi - \cot\chi\cfrac{\Si 2\chi}{2} - \Ci\chi + \cfrac{\Ci 2\chi}{2} - \ln\sqrt {\chi} + \ln {\xi} + \ln \sqrt {\frac {e^\gamma}{2}} = 0 $$This does not help us analytically determine the resonant value of $\chi$ given $\xi$. It can be done numerically, and like most computations for antennas, this is what is normally done. However, it works well the other way around: to analytically determine the value of $\xi$ for which we have resonance for a given $\chi$.
$$ \ln \xi = \cot\chi\cfrac{\Si 2\chi}{2} -\cot \cfrac {\chi} {2} \;\Si\chi + \Ci\chi - \cfrac{\Ci 2\chi}{2} + \ln\sqrt {\chi} - \ln \sqrt {\frac {e^\gamma}{2}} $$A picture is worth a thousand words. Let us plot $\ln\xi$ against $\chi$ in the range $0 \lt \chi \lt 2\pi$.
The graph tells us (and we can verify analytically) that in the vicinity of $\chi=\pi$, we have:
- As $\chi \to \pi^+$, $\ln\xi \to +\infty$, or equivalently $\xi \to \infty$, and
- As $\chi \to \pi^-$, $\ln\xi \to -\infty$, or equivalently $\xi \to 0^+$
We started with the assumption that $a \ll \lambda$, which implies $\xi \ll 1$, so we need not bother with the $\xi \to \infty$ case. But the $\xi \to 0^+$ case nicely fits in with the $\xi \ll 1$ assumption, and tells us that for small values of $\xi$, resonant dipole antennas have $\chi$ that are somewhat less than $\pi$.
In other words, this confirms that a dipole is resonant when it is slightly less than $\lambda / 2$ in length!
But hang on, can we use this to investigate an infinitesimally thin dipole? Can we say that as $\chi \to \pi^-$ for $\xi \to 0^+$, the half-wave dipole is resonant in the limiting case of the infinitesimal thickness?
Unfortunately not: the approximation breaks down somewhere as the wire gets thinner. It says here (in section 16.3) that an infinitesimally thin, infinitely conductive dipole would actually be resonant for $\ell \approx 0.4857\lambda$, with a corresponding $R_{rad}=67.2\Omega$. Which seems to imply that the expressions for $R_{rad}$ and $X_{self}$ mentioned above hold for $a \ll \lambda$, but not $a \lll \lambda$. How interesting!
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